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3 Recovery Letters to know about this year

July 5, 2024
3 Recovery Letters to know about this year
July 5, 2024

Right now in the UK there are millions of people out of work and one of the main reasons for this is illness. That’s according to latest data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) which reveals nearly 1 million 25-29 year olds and 1.4 million 50-64 year olds are off sick.

When you consider that sick days cost the UK economy billions, anything that can help support people’s return to work has to be a good thing.

That’s where ZoomDoc can help. Our Medical Letters service helps take some of the stress out of the admin and bureaucracy required when you’re off sick or injured and need time off to fully recover.

Get support when you’re off sick here

As well as providing sick notes for employers or HR departments, we can also help once you’ve recovered and are fit for work again.

‘We are seeing record numbers of people needing to be signed off work – whether with mental health conditions, back injuries or long-term illnesses,’ says ZoomDoc Chief Medical Officer, Dr Kenny Livingstone who set up his private Medical Letters service to support patients in need, as well as to take strain off an overstretched NHS.

‘Once people are back on their feet they don’t want anything to delay getting back to some sort of normality again. With our Recovery Certificates service we can help support people who have recovered and are fit and well enough to return to work, be able to travel or simply need proof they can be where they need to be – without any delay, stress or unnecessary additional trips to the doctor,’ he says.

Some of the most common Recovery Certificates people need are:

Keep reading to find out more about them and how to get one if you’re at the recovery stage. Plus, get return to work support with your transition.

Fit-to-Work Certificate: how to get one and why you need one


If you’re off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. On returning to work, they may require a note that you are now better.


Although a Sick Note (or Fit Note) is a legal requirement if you’ve been off work for more than seven days, you do not have to provide the same proof that you are fit to return to work – once that is the case.

However, NHS guidance says that some employers may still request this. It states:

‘Some employers have their own policy that requires employees to obtain medical evidence that they are fit for work. If this is the case, your employer should help you arrange this privately with a healthcare professional or occupational health specialist. A healthcare professional cannot issue a fit note for this purpose.’

Not available via the NHS, ZoomDoc can provide a private Fit-to-Work Certificate the same day, proving that you have recovered from:

  • illness
  • injury
  • other conditions or circumstances preventing you from working.

Order your Fit-to-Work Certificate here

What you’ll need:

  • a photo of your passport, driving licence or workplace ID
  • your completed online medical form
  • your medical health summary
  • a 30-60 second video describing any recent illness and your current health condition
  • the name of your workplace and the type of work you do
  • details of your regular doctor.

‘Bear in mind that our Fit-to-Work Certificates can only be provided for low-risk workplace roles, such as office-based,’ says Dr Kenny.

‘A role with increased potential dangers will require a face-to-face assessment with a medical practitioner to check your heart, lungs and blood pressure, and to arrange eye and visual checks,’ he says.

Some of the roles for which we cannot provide fit-to-work notes include:

  • driving roles (motorsport drivers, bus, ambulance or taxi drivers, chauffeurs)
  • crane, fork lift truck or HGV operators
  • Jobs working at heights ie scaffolders
  • nursing or midwifery applications.

Contact us first if you are unsure whether your role is covered by our Fit-to-Work service. If we cannot provide a certificate for any reason we will provide a full refund. 

Actor and Model Fit-to-Work Certificate: how to get one and why you might need one


Our doctors can provide you with a same-day medical certificate that will confirm that you are fit to work for fashions shows and acting.

If you work as an actor or model and your potential or current agency or employer wants to make sure you are fit and healthy to work, then this is for you.

You will need to complete a medical questionnaire and provide a short video and, once reviewed, ZoomDoc will provide a letter signed by a medical professional confirming:

  • a statement confirming that you are fit to work.
  • your name, date of birth and workplace
  • authorisation by one of our GMC and FCCO-registered UK doctors.

Purchase your Actor and Model fit-to-work Certificate here

Chickenpox Recovery Certificate: how to get one and why you might need one


Chickenpox is common and mostly affects children. They usually scab over within 6-8 days.


Although chickenpox is usually fairly mild and will get better within a week or so, when you get it can be more problematic.

Even if someone in your family feels fully well with it, if it breaks out during exam season or before or during a holiday, you’ll need to change your plans.

‘Chickenpox is highly contagious and can cause complications in some people therefore you will need to stay at home until it has fully crusted over, to avoid spreading it,’ says Dr Clare.

Recovery usually takes 1–2 weeks but you won’t be allowed to sit an exam or get on an aeroplane until your chickenpox have all scabbed over fully. According to NHS guidance, this is ‘usually 5 days after your spots first appeared’.

By this stage you’ll be itching to get back to normality but even if they’ve crusted over, your chickenpox may still be visible.

In order to catch your flight or get on your return flight home you may need proof of recovery. This will make travelling a lot smoother and prevent any further obstacles.

Order your Chickenpox Recovery Letter today.

What you’ll need:

You’ll need to upload a 30-second video of your (or your child’s) face, neck and arms, showing the spots that have fully scabbed over. These will be verified by a doctor who will then issue a formal letter you can show to whoever needs to see it.

ZoomDoc GPs have a duty to ensure they only sign off patients to travel who are no longer infectious. If they discover the spots aren’t scabbed over properly yet, they won’t be able to issue the recovery certificate. 

However, if helpful, they can instead issue a letter confirming it’s chickenpox and that the patient is not ‘fit to fly’ yet. This can be helpful for your travel insurance or for help with rebooking your flight.

Your letter will be emailed to you the same day. If we can’t issue a letter for some reason you will receive a refund.

Return to work: top tips to ease back in


When someone returns to work after an absence, they should talk with their employer. This is to make sure they’re ready to return and have any support they need.


You may be delighted to be able to return to work – especially if it means you’ve recovered from a debilitating illness, injury or condition. However it can also be daunting after weeks, months or even longer away from colleagues.

To help with your return to work consider:

  • Returning gradually – either reduced hours or days to ease back in
  • Working reduced hours to avoid rush-hour traffic or a busy commute
  • Talk to your employer in advance to form a plan and talk through any concerns
  • Cut out certain tasks until you are up to it such as heavy lifting
  • Plan regular breaks and use up holiday owing – you’ve been off sick not off on holiday.

Get further support with returning to work from:

ACAS – www.acas.org.uk

MIND – www.mind.org.uk

Recovery Certificates and more

ZoomDoc provides a range of Medical Letters on its website – from Recovery Certificates to GP Referrals to Visa Application Letters. It also has more information about topical health issues on its Healthwire blog. 

If you’ve had time off sick or are back on your feet, you may find these a helpful read:

Want to know more?

Our team of Doctors are available via the ZoomDoc App for any medical questions or queries.